A Simple Vision Board Template for Connect Groups & Bible Study Groups

Updated: May 7, 2022

I currently have the privilege of leading a connect group. Our first session this year involved setting goals for the year and putting plans together on how we intend to meet those goals. We also discussed maintaining an attitude of gratefulness and prayed towards us implementing our plans and achieving our goals.

To make the vision board session productive and seamless, I created a simple template that I have decided to share with anyone who may find it useful (please see below!).

How far ahead can you see?

One of the questions we sort of discussed before we began working through the template was 'Does God Plan?' to which one of the girls responded - "Doesn't God say He knows the plans He has for us?" That answered the question beautifully. God plans, we should plan too. However, we are meant to take the plans we have made back to God and ask Him to direct our paths so that we are within His will. This may mean our plans remain exactly the same, He may lead us to add new goals, and/or delete or realign some of our plans. One thing that is sure is that we are the safest and most fruitful we can be within God's will.

The goal is to develop healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle with the help of the HolySpirit.

